Please use Google Maps function below entre your departure point and it will give you a route to follow.
Cuxac-Cabardès GPS: Latitude 43.370269 Longitude 2.283268
We are halfway between Carcassonne and Mazamet 20 minutes from either town it is best to take the D118, it is quicker!
You will find us in the centre of the village; go up Rue de la Poste and into Rue de la Piala.
Once you have arrived you can park a few minutes in front of our House to unload your luggage before parking.
The parking is free on the village square 1 minutes’ walk or beyond the church 4 minutes’ walk from our house.
Motorcycles and bicycles can be parked in our garage (which is unfortunately too small for cars).
Transport links
Carcassonne airport
Toulouse airport
Perpignan airport
Carcassonne station
Taxis from Carcassonne
Bus time table from Carcassonne to Cuxac-Cabardès
Car hire – Carcassonne
From Carcassonne
Follow directions to Mazamet on the D118 for 20km.
At Cuxac-Cabardès take the first turning left, go across
the bridge and at the crossroads go up RUE DE LA POSTE
at the junction in front of the large green gates go left
and turn immediately right into RUE DE LA PIALA.
From Mazamet
Follow directions to Carcassonne on the D118 for 20km
At Cuxac-Cabardès take the first turning on the right, go
over thebridge left along the river at the junction in front
of the large green gates go left and turn immediately right into
From Toulouse
Take the motorway the A61 for 20km
Take the west exit at Carcassonne
At Cuxac-Cabardès take the first turning left, go across
the bridge and at the crossroads go up RUE DE LA POSTE
at the junction in front of the large green gates go left
and turn immediately right into RUE DE LA PIALA.
From Montpellier
Take the motorway the A61 for 20km
Take the west exit at Carcassonne
At Cuxac-Cabardès take the first turning left, go across the bridge
at the crossroads go up RUE DE LA POSTE at the junction in front
of the large green gate go left and immediately right into RUE DE
For full price details click here
To book click here
**Please note**
Arrival day: Our rooms are available from 5pm – 10pm.
Departure day: Please vacate your bedroom by 10.30am
If you need to arrive or depart outside of these times please let us know in advance.
Thank you for your understanding
Chez Providence Chambres et Table d’Hôtes + Studio
9 rue de la Piala, 11390 Cuxac-Cabardès, Aude, France.
No. Siret: 504 843 715 00013