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 Chez ProvidencChambres et Table d’Hôtes Studio
 9 rue de la Piala, 11390 Cuxac-Cabardès, Aude, France.
For full price details click here
To book click here
 Tel: 00 33 (0)4 68 25 32 2 4        Mobile: 00 33 (0)6 74 17 86 67

Arrival day: Our rooms are available from 5pm – 10pm. 

Departure day: Please vacate your bedroom by 10.30am.

If you need to arrive or depart outside of these times please let us know in advance.

 Thank you for your understanding
TVA non applicable, article 293 B du CGI 
 No. Siret: 504 843 715 00013